Monday, April 29

May Meetings

Series Meeting at Woodford's Church Portland on May 1st, 9:30AM-11:00AM

Series Meeting at People's Church South Portland on May 8th, 5:30PM-7:00PM

Toddler Meeting at Woodford's Church Portland on May 22nd, 9:30AM-11:00AM

 This month there will be a gathering for all mothers who are interested in learning more about becoming a La Leche League Leader. 

The general purpose of LLL is to help the mother learn to breastfeed her baby, to encourage good mothering through breastfeeding, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding and related subjects.

Leaders know the importance of one mother helping another to recognize and understand the needs of her child and to find the best means of fulfilling those needs. Leaders provide information and support so that each mother can make the decisions which are best for her family.

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