Monday, November 4

November meetings

Wednesday November 6th at Woodford's Congregational Church 9:30-11:00AM  Portland

Wednesday November 13 at Peoples United Methodist Church 5:30-7:00PM South Portland

No meeting fourth Wednesday since it is the day before Thanksgiving

Tuesday, October 22

Toddler Meeting

Woodford's Church Portland at 9:30AM on October 23rd.

All women and their children are welcome.

Wednesday, October 9

South Portland Meeting October 9th

Join us at 5:30PM at People's United Methodist Church Broadway in South Portland.

We will be discussing what happens when the new baby arrives as well as any concerns you have.

All mothers and their children are welcome.

Monday, September 30

Series Meeting October 2nd

 Meet with us for Breastfeeding support:
October 2nd, 2013
 Woodford's Congregational Church 9:30-11:00AM
All women who are interested in breastfeeding are invited. Your children are also welcome at each meeting.

La Leche League' mission  is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.

Monday, September 23

Toddler Meeting

Join us Wednesday Sept 25th at 9:30AM at Woodford's Congregational Church in Portland.
Bring your questions and your successes as we talk about the Advantages of Breastfeeding for older babies. We can also discuss any concerns you are having at this time.

Monday, September 9

Evening Meeting in South Portland

Meet at People's United Methodist Church Wednesday September 11th, from 5:30PM-7:00PM.
Bring your questions and there will also be a topic discussion on the Advantages of Breastfeeding.
Hope that you can join us.

Monday, August 26

Toddler Meeting

August 28th at 9:30AM. Meet at Woodford's Congregational Church.

Monday, August 5

August Schedule

Series Meeting at Woodford's Congregational Church on Wednesday Aug 7th. 9:30-11:00AM, and again on Wednesday Aug 14th 5:30-7:00PM at People's United Methodist Church , South Portland.
Toddler Meeting Wednesday Aug 28th at Woodford's Congregational Church 9:30-11:00AM

Tuesday, July 23

Toddler Meeting

Toddler Meeting will be held on July 24th 9:30-11AM at Woodford's Congregational Church.
All mothers, or mothers to be, and babies are welcome.

Tuesday, July 16

Next Meeting

July 24th 9:30-11AM at Woodford's Congregational Church.
All women- pregnant, breastfeeding, or want information about breastfeeding are welcome!

Monday, July 1

July Meetings

There will be a meeting July 3rd at Woodford's Congregational Church, 9:30AM.

Monday, June 3

June Meetings

Series Meeting

June 5th at Woodford's Congregational Church, Portland 9:30-11AM

June 12th at People's United Methodist Church, South Portland 5:30-7PM

Toddler Meeting:

June 26th at Woodford's Congregational Church, Portland 9:30-11AM

All women interested learning about breastfeeding are welcome at each meeting. Children and babies are also welcome to attend any meeting.

Series Meetings refers to the four meeting topics:

Advantages of Breastfeeding

Baby Arrives: The Family and the Breastfed Baby

The Art of Breastfeeding and Avoiding Difficulties

Nutrition and Weaning

Any and all questions can be asked and will be addressed at any meeting. Always feel free to come and share your wisdom and learn from other mothers. 

Sunday, May 12

Interested in La Leche League Leadership?

Come to Big Sky Bakery at Woodford's Corner Portland Wednesday May 15th at 9:30 to talk about La Leche League Leadership.

Monday, April 29

May Meetings

Series Meeting at Woodford's Church Portland on May 1st, 9:30AM-11:00AM

Series Meeting at People's Church South Portland on May 8th, 5:30PM-7:00PM

Toddler Meeting at Woodford's Church Portland on May 22nd, 9:30AM-11:00AM

 This month there will be a gathering for all mothers who are interested in learning more about becoming a La Leche League Leader. 

The general purpose of LLL is to help the mother learn to breastfeed her baby, to encourage good mothering through breastfeeding, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding and related subjects.

Leaders know the importance of one mother helping another to recognize and understand the needs of her child and to find the best means of fulfilling those needs. Leaders provide information and support so that each mother can make the decisions which are best for her family.

Saturday, March 30

Parenting and Breastfeeding Conference this month

Series Meeting at Woodford's Church Portland on April 3rd, 9:30AM-11:00AM

Series Meeting at People's Church South Portland on April 10th, 5:30PM-7:00PM

Toddler Meeting at Woodford's Church Portland on April 24th, 9:30AM-11:00AM

Up Coming!

 Maine/New Hampshire Area Conference

April 27th at New Franklin School Portsmouth, NH

Eat Local

Register here:

Monday, March 4

March Events

In like a lion out like a lamb

Series Meeting at Woodford's Church Portland on March 6th, 9:30AM-11:00AM

Series Meeting at People's Church South Portland on March 13th, 5:30PM-7:00PM

Toddler Meeting at Woodford's Church Portland on March 27th, 9:30AM-11:00AM

Up Coming!

 Maine/New Hampshire Area Conference

April 27th at New Franklin School Portsmouth, NH

Eat Local

More information will be coming!

LLL Group Membership

While being a member of LLL is not a requirement to attend meetings, many mothers find the extra support they receive by becoming a member invaluable.  For a $40 annual membership, members receive a subscription to LLL’s bimonthly breastfeeding journal for parents, NEW BEGINNINGS.  Members also receive discounts on most purchases of books and other items from the LLL catalogue.  Dues can be paid to Catherine at any of the above meetings.

Saturday, February 2

February Happenings

Now that the groundhog has predicted early spring...
Maybe that means that none of these meetings will be cancelled for weather.

Series Meeting at Woodford's Church Portland on February 6th, 9:30AM-11:00AM

Series Meeting at People's Church South Portland on February 13th, 5:30PM-7:00PM

Toddler Meeting at Woodford's Church Portland on February 27th, 9:30AM-11:00AM

Why Attend a Meeting?

Many mothers begin attending La Leche League Meetings during pregnancy.    The information received may prove vital to a mother when her baby arrives.  If you are already nursing your baby, our meetings will provide a time to socialize, share mothering experiences with other mothers, and have your questions answered. Any time is the right time to attend a meeting. Mothers and their children are welcome at any of the above meetings.

LLL Group Membership

While being a member of LLL is not a requirement to attend meetings, many mothers find the extra support they receive by becoming a member invaluable.  For a $40 annual membership, members receive a subscription to LLL’s bimonthly breastfeeding journal for parents, NEW BEGINNINGS.  Members also receive discounts on most purchases of books and other items from the LLL catalogue.  Dues can be paid to Catherine at any of the above meetings.

Why Breastfeed?

Human milk is the ultimate in renewable resources.  It’s there as soon as the baby arrives, in the quantity the baby needs, for as long as the mother and baby want it.  Not only that, but in most cases it doesn’t require any preparation on the mother’s part.  The baby is put to the breast and the milk starts to flow. 

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, medical research has demonstrated that breastfed babies, compared to babies who are not breastfed, have higher IQs and fewer illnesses.  This includes acute illnesses such as ear infections as well as chronic diseases such as asthma, obesity, diabetes and allergies.  The benefits for breastfeeding mothers have been documented also.  Research has demonstrated a lowered incidence of diseases such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis among women who have breastfed.  There is also evidence that women who breastfeed have an earlier return to their prepregnant weight. 

Breastmilk has never been recalled and it contains no genetically modified ingredients!