Monday, October 1

Meeting October 3rd

La Leche League of Portland will meet Wednesday, October 3rd, from 9:30 to 11:00am at Woodfords Congregational Church in Portland (directions-see link on right). The first part of the Meeting is devoted to questions followed by the monthly topic presented by one of our Leaders.

La Leche League meetings are free and open to all women interested in learning more about breastfeeding and related aspects of childcare and not just for those having difficulties! At La Leche Meetings mothers find a continuing source of information, inspiration and support. Accurate information can help you preserve your breastfeeding relationship whether you are a mom who works outside the home or one who stays home. Pregnancy is the ideal time to begin attending meetings and all mothers and their babies are welcome.

We also have a lending library full of outstanding books on breastfeeding, childbirth, parenting, nutrition, discipline and more. Please consider becoming a LLL member. Although membership is never required to attend meetings or receive support, it is the financial contributions of our members that ensures La Leche League of Portland will be here for future generations. See a leader for membership information.

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