Saturday, December 29

January Happenings

La Leche League of Portland will be holding three meetings this month. 

Series Meetings will be held on:

January 2nd 9:30-11:00AM at Woodfords Congregational Church in Portland

January 9th 5:30-7:00PM at People's United Methodist Church in South Portland

   There will also be a Toddler Meeting 

January 23rd 9:30-11:00AM at Woodfords Congregational Church in Portland

All breastfeeding mothers and mothers-to-be interested in breastfeeding are welcome to come to our meetings or call one of our Leaders for breastfeeding help or information. Babies are always welcome at our meetings.

La Leche League Leaders are experienced mothers who have breastfed their own babies and who have been trained and accredited by La Leche League International to help mothers and mothers-to-be with all aspects of breastfeeding. They are available by phone whenever you have breastfeeding questions or concerns.
Meetings are open to all women interested in breastfeeding.

Thursday, December 6

Directions to New Series Meetings in South Portland

New Series Meetings to be held 
second Wednesday 5:30-7:00PM at

People's United Methodist Church, 
310 Broadway, South Portland. 

First Meeting will be January 9th, 2013.

Driving directions
FROM THE NORTH on I-295: Take Exit 6A (Forest Ave.) and bear right. Bear right again onto State Street (Route 77.) Follow all the way across the Casco Bay Bridge. Go straight onto Broadway. The church is at the 3rd traffic light- and sits between Mussey and Harriet Streets.

FROM THE NORTH OR SOUTH on the Maine Turnpike: Exit 7 to Route 1. Take a left on Route 1 North. Bear right onto Broadway at Cash Corner just beyond Dairy Queen. Follow 8 more traffic lights to Mussey St. The church is between Mussey and Harriet Streets.

Park along Harriet Street or in the lot by the playground and enter through the playground door. Go down the stairs. We will meet in the nursery rooms.

Sunday, November 25

La Leche League Toddler Meeting November 28

La Leche League meetings emphasize the joys of breastfeeding while they inform and encourage mothers who wish to nurse their babies. LLL offers mother-to-mother help in a series of four meetings based on the book The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, published by La Leche League International. 

Discussions at meetings include the latest medical research as well as mothers' personal experiences. LLL services include a lending library and 24 hour phone help for breastfeeding problems and questions. 

LLL of Portland meets November 28th at 9AM to 11:30AM at Woodfords Congregational Church. Mothers with their nursing babies and toddlers and mothers-to-be are welcome. 

Sunday, November 4

Meeting November 7th

The first Tuesday in November is Election Day!

The first Wednesday of every month there is a La Leche League meeting from 9:30 to 11:00am at Woodfords Congregational Church in Portland (directions are to the right). The first part of the Meeting is devoted to questions followed by the monthly topic presented by one of our Leaders.

Come out and talk with other nursing mothers about their experiences! 

We are looking forward to seeing you and your little one(s)! Also please remember, Leaders are always available by phone to answer any questions you may have. (See names and numbers on right).

Monday, October 1

Meeting October 3rd

La Leche League of Portland will meet Wednesday, October 3rd, from 9:30 to 11:00am at Woodfords Congregational Church in Portland (directions-see link on right). The first part of the Meeting is devoted to questions followed by the monthly topic presented by one of our Leaders.

La Leche League meetings are free and open to all women interested in learning more about breastfeeding and related aspects of childcare and not just for those having difficulties! At La Leche Meetings mothers find a continuing source of information, inspiration and support. Accurate information can help you preserve your breastfeeding relationship whether you are a mom who works outside the home or one who stays home. Pregnancy is the ideal time to begin attending meetings and all mothers and their babies are welcome.

We also have a lending library full of outstanding books on breastfeeding, childbirth, parenting, nutrition, discipline and more. Please consider becoming a LLL member. Although membership is never required to attend meetings or receive support, it is the financial contributions of our members that ensures La Leche League of Portland will be here for future generations. See a leader for membership information.

Sunday, July 29

August Mother's Meeting

La Leche League of Portland will meet this Wednesday, August 1st, from 9:30 to 11:00am at Woodfords Congregational Church in Portland (directions are to the right). This meeting will be a mothers meeting. Come out on this first day of August to share your breastfeeding experiences with other mothers.

Sunday, July 1

No Meeting on July 4th.

La Leche League will not be meeting on Wednesday July 4th. Enjoy your families during this holiday celebration.

Monday, May 21

Toddler Meeting

La Leche League of Portland will meet this Wednesday, May 23rd, from 9:30 to 11:00am at Woodfords Congregational Church in Portland (directions are below). The first part of the Meeting is devoted to questions followed by the monthly topic presented by one of our Leaders.

La Leche League meetings are free and open to all women interested in learning more about breastfeeding and related aspects of childcare and not just for those having difficulties! At La Leche Meetings mothers find a continuing source of information, inspiration and support. Accurate information can help you preserve your breastfeeding relationship if you are a mom who works outside the home or one who stays home. Pregnancy is the ideal time to begin attending meetings and all mothers and their babies are welcome.

We also have a lending library full of outstanding books on breastfeeding, childbirth, parenting, nutrition, discipline and more. Please consider becoming a LLL member. Although membership is never required to attend meetings or receive support, it is the financial contributions of our members that ensures La Leche League of Portland will be here for future generations. 

We are looking forward to seeing you and your little one(s)! Also please remember, Leaders are always available by phone- see right column for numbers.

Directions link also on right.

Monday, April 2

Meeting This Wednesday April 4th

Hello, Mothers!

La Leche League of Portland will hold a Regular Series Meeting this Wednesday, April 4th from 9:30 to 11:00am at Woodfords Congregational Church in Portland (directions - link on right).

La Leche League meetings are free and open to all women interested in learning more about breastfeeding and related aspects of childcare and not just for those having difficulties! At La Leche Meetings mothers find a continuing source of information, inspiration and support.Accurate information can help you preserve your breastfeeding relationship if you are a mom who works outside the home or one who stays home. Pregnancy is the ideal time to begin attending meetings and all mothers and their babies are welcome. We also have a lending library full of outstanding books on breastfeeding, childbirth, parenting, nutrition, discipline and more.Please consider becoming a LLL member. Although membership is never required to attend meetings or receive support, it is the financial contributions of our members that ensures La Leche League of Portland will be here for future generations. Annual membership costs $40 and includes a subscription to "New Beginnings" - a bimonthly magazine for breastfeeding families. We are looking forward to seeing you and your little one(s)!

Leaders are always available by phone -see list to right

We are also still soliciting responses to the survey about where and when to hold ongoing meetings. If you have not done so and would like to respond here is the link.

Tuesday, March 27

Toddler Meeting Wednesday March 28th

Now that we have had a teaser of summer... Bundle up again and come out for some breastfeeding support at Woodford's Congregational Church Nursery, 9:30-11AM.

La Leche League meetings are free and open to all women interested in learning more about breastfeeding and related aspects of childcare and not just for those having difficulties! At La Leche Meetings mothers find a continuing source of information, inspiration and support. Accurate information can help you preserve your breastfeeding relationship if you are a mom who works outside the home or one who stays home.

Sunday, March 4

LLL Meetings

We are soliciting feedback in order to figure out if we should continue to have meetings. This survey is anonymous and should only take a few minutes of your time.

Please forward to any one else you feel may be interested.

Monday, January 30

Meeting This Wednesday

February has arrived! Please join us for some breast feeding support this Wednesday, February 1st at 9:30 AM at Woodfords Church.

Do you know someone who is pregnant or breastfeeding? Do you know anyone who wants to learn more about breastfeeding and/or La Leche League? Bring them along!

Because our meetings are attended by pregnant women and newborns, we ask that you avoid bringing contagiously ill children to meetings. If illness prevents you from attending, you can still receive support and information by calling a leader on the phone (see info bar to right for more information). We hope to see you Wednesday!

photo credit:

Monday, January 23

Mother's Meeting

Join other breastfeeding mothers for support. We will meet at 9:30 at Woodford's Church nursery, weather permitting.
This will be a meeting of mothers with no leader having confirmed attendance.

Monday, January 2

Meeting January 4th

Join us for breastfeeding support in the New Year.

We will meet 9:30-11AM at Woodford's Church.

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers always welcome.