Tuesday, May 13

Two meetings this week

Join us 9:30-11:00 AM at Woodford's Congregational Church or 5:30-7:00 PM at People'sMethodist Church.  Bring your questions and your wisdom.

Wednesday, March 12

Evening meeting 3/12/14 canceled

Good afternoon mamas! I don't know about the rest of you but I am DONE with winter!! Because of the storm rolling in now we have decided to cancel tonight's 5:30 meeting at People's United Methodist Church in South Portland.

Stay safe and warm tonight!! If you need support, please call one of our leaders listed to the right or join us next Wednesday morning at Woodfords Congregational Church in Portland at 9:30 am.

Love and Light,

Tuesday, March 11

Springing forward with TWO meetings

Calling all new breastfeeding mamas or nursing mamas of older kiddos in need of support!! La Leche League of Portland has TWO meetings tomorrow!! If you need support and can't make the morning meeting, well, we have an evening meeting to help you get some support and friendship. 

Our first meeting tomorrow March 12, 2014 is in the nursery at Woodfords Congregational Church in Portland from 9:30-11:00 am. 

Our second meeting tomorrow is at People's United Methodist Church in South Portland from 5:30-7:00 pm.

All are welcome!! Come get some support, have questions answered and have a little fun!!! The meeting are free of charge and La Leche League memberships help to fund the space where we meet. We pass a basket during the meeting for any donations you are able to contribute but it is not necessary to donate. 

We look forward to seeing you there!!

Love and Light,

Tuesday, February 11

TWO Meetings in One Day

Calling all new breastfeeding mamas or nursing mamas of older kiddos in need of support!! La Leche League of Portland has TWO meetings tomorrow!! If you need support and can't make the morning meeting, well, we have an evening meeting to help you get some support and friendship. 

Our first meeting tomorrow February 12, 2014 is in the nursery at Woodfords Congregational Church in Portland from 9:30-11:00 am. 

Our second meeting tomorrow is at People's United Methodist Church in South Portland from 5:30-7:00 pm.

All are welcome!! Come get some support, have questions answered and have a little fun!!! The meeting are free of charge and La Leche League memberships help to fund the space where we meet. We pass a basket during the meeting for any donations you are able to contribute but it is not necessary to donate. 

We look forward to seeing you there!!

Love and Light,

Wednesday, February 5

Meeting cancelled February 5, 2014

Good Snowy Morning Mamas!! We have decided to cancel the meeting this morning. Stay safe and warm!!

See you next Wednesday at 9:30am in the nursery at Woodfords Congregational Church.

Tuesday, January 21

Exciting News!!

Good Evening Mamas!!  We at La Lech League of Portland are now holding meetings EVERY Wednesday at Woodford's Congregational Church in Portland from 9:30-11am.  We have refreshments and great conversation. At the least, its a great opportunity to get out of the house and enjoy some mama time while the kiddos play.  Come join us, get support and/or offer your wisdom to other moms that might need to hear your experiences.

Did you know we are on Facebook?! We ARE!! We are at La Leche League of Portland. Check us out & like us!
All women and their children are welcome at every meeting. La Leche League Meetings are free of charge to attend. Memberships sustain the organization both locally and globally. We pass a basket at each meeting for donations of any amount to help cover the cost of the location. See Catherine at a meeting, or respond to this email if you are interested in membership.

Leaders are available for questions and support via phone: Mary 799-2046,
Catherine 209-5006

 Love and light,

Tuesday, January 7

Happy New Year! Welcome 2014!

Happy New Year Mommies!! We are welcoming this frigid new year at Woodfords Church January 8th, 2014 from 9:30 am to 11 am.  You are not mistaken, we were looking at moving to another location but such as life sometimes the bottom fell out of the plan.  We will be at Woodfords tomorrow and look forward to seeing anyone who would like to attend.

Wednesday January 8th at Peoples United Methodist Church 5:30-7:00PM South Portland

Yahoo for TWO meetings in one day!! Kicking the new year off right!

See you there.