Tuesday, March 27

Toddler Meeting Wednesday March 28th

Now that we have had a teaser of summer... Bundle up again and come out for some breastfeeding support at Woodford's Congregational Church Nursery, 9:30-11AM.

La Leche League meetings are free and open to all women interested in learning more about breastfeeding and related aspects of childcare and not just for those having difficulties! At La Leche Meetings mothers find a continuing source of information, inspiration and support. Accurate information can help you preserve your breastfeeding relationship if you are a mom who works outside the home or one who stays home.

Sunday, March 4

LLL Meetings

We are soliciting feedback in order to figure out if we should continue to have meetings. This survey is anonymous and should only take a few minutes of your time.

Please forward to any one else you feel may be interested.
